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From The Dial: “Second number of ‘The Yellow Book’”

The bits of genre which largely serve
for fiction in “The Yellow Book”
(Copeland & Day) are not, as a rule,
very attractive or stimulating. They are often ama-
teurish in their impressionism, and have too marked
a flavor of preciosity. But we must make an ex-
ception (in the case of this second number of the
book-magazine) of Mr. Kenneth Grahame‘s alto-
gether subtle and exquisite sketch entitled “The
Roman Road.” So charming a bit of writing is not
often met with in a periodical. The seventy-page
novelette which Mr. Henry James contributes to
this number is of course the pièce de résistance.
The other prose contents include an essay by Mr.
Frederick Greenwood on “The Gospel of Content,”
a study of Bizet, by Mr. Charles Willeby, and a de-
tailed criticism of the first “Yellow Book,” requested
of Mr. Philip Gilbert Hamerton for insertion as a
special feature of the second. The editors are out
for novelty, and they are getting it. The poetry of
the number is quite insignificant, but the art in-
cludes many striking things, of which we may men-
tion Mr. Crane‘s “Renaissance of Venus,”
Mr. Hartrick’s “Lamplighter,” Mr. Beardsley‘s “Gar-
çons de Café,” and Mr. MacDougall’s “Idyll.”
Altogether, this issue seems a distinct advance upon
its predecessor.

MLA citation:

“Second Number of ‘The Yellow Book.'” Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 2, July 1894, The Dial, 1 October 1894, p. 200. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Center for Digital Humanities, 2019.