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From The Literary World: “The Yellow Book”

The April Yellow Book has for its cover
a startling design of a conventionalized cock-fight
by Mabel Syrett. The illustrations, by Ethel
Read, and the book-plates, by Patten Wilson,
are particularly interesting. Of the literary
matter, Mr. Henry Harland‘s story, “Merely
Players,” is entertaining and occasionally witty,
and Ada Radford’s “Lucy Wren” is rather clever;
the other stories are more or less of
the order common to the Yellow Book. The
poems are none of them worth much, and one
by Stephen Phillips seems to have been the re-
sult of a prolonged course of Ibsen and Nordau
reading, which we earnestly advise him to eschew
for the future. [John Lane. $1.50.]

MLA citation:

“The Yellow Book.” Review of The Yellow Book, vol. 13, April 1897, Literary World, 24 July 1897, p. 245. Yellow Nineties 2.0, Edited by Lorraine Janzen Kooistra, Ryerson University Centre for Digital Humanities, 2019.