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XML   PDF A CONCERT AT CLIFFORD’S INN.     (Since this paper was written the destruction of the old Hall, which then seemed imminent, has been…


XML   PDF MARRIAGE IN TWO MOODS.                                              1             Love that’s loved from day to day            Loves itself into decay:            He that eats one daily fruit            Shrivels hunger at…


XML   PDF POOR LITTLE MRS. VILLIERS.     “Where is little Mrs. Villiers” demanded Miss Hooley. The question was prefaced by a disconcerting gaze directed towards…


XML   PDF EARTH’S MARTYRS.         Many have hymned Thy Martyrs, Earth, of old,        Who fell on red flames, as on flowers cold;        But we, Thy poets, in…


XML   PDF TO ANY HOUSEHOLDER.     Some general instinct has remained with men, so that the consensus of nations has been in favour of light…


XML   PDF WHEN BONY DEATH HAS CHILLED HER GENTLE BLOOD. When bony Death has chilled her gentle blood    And dimmed the brightness of her wistful…


XML   PDF BLINDNESS.         Since I have learned Love’s shining alphabet,        And spelled in ink what’s writ in me in flame,        And borne her sacred image richly…


XML   PDF OPEN SESAME.     Interested strangers who tried to talk to Mr. Trembath about the West Country were apt to be disappointed because, although…


XML   PDF THE GEM AND ITS SETTING.                                         PERSONS.                        EVE GRIEVE, 3o, a widow.                        MAY DAY, 18, an unmarried girl.                        JAMES KNIGHT, 40, a bachelor.                        A RECEPTIVE FRIEND.    Scene:—Mrs. Grieve’s…