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MARIE BY ELIZABETH STANHOPE FORBES MLA citation: Forbes, Elizabeth Stanhope. “Marie.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…


JONQUIL BY ELISABETH STANHOPE FORBES MLA citation: Forbes, Elizabeth Stanhope. “Jonquil.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff…


BY THE FIRESIDE BY STANHOPE A. FORBES MLA citation: Forbes, Stanhope A. “By the Fireside.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


THEIR DAILY BREAD BY STANHOPE A. FORBES MLA citation: Forbes, Stanhope A. “Their Daily Bread.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition,…


SOLITUDE BY JOHN CROOKE MLA citation: Crooke, John. “Solitude.” The Yellow Book, vol. 7, 1895. Yellow Book Digital Edition, edited by Dennis Denisoff and Lorraine…